Kedah Day 5--At the Soup Kitchen

Posted by x2 (double grace) on 7:01 PM

I went to SuperFlow Soup Kitchen. Its a place where free lunch is served to the public, but of course those who can afford won't go there wan...I served soup to the people. And again, I realised the importance of Hokkien...I just can't understand anything that's going on, the workers there are from SuperHope--special people lah, they speak Hokkien to me, I just smile and nod, cannot have conversation at all, unlike my friend who mixed with the workers there quickly because they share a common dialect. And I can't "get" that what they just said was an instruction, I there blur-blur yet maintain my friendly smile,not doing anything,  until my friend came to the rescue and be the translator, baru I faham...they must have thought that I am dumb lah..hehe..

Then the people who came for the free lunch also speak Hokkien...I didn't know that don't want the soup until they wave their hand in surrender, baru I faham--action speak much louder than words eh? I learnt "lu ai mai geh terng?"=do you want chicken soup? haha...I only said this the whole day, nothing else...oh ya, and "ho chiak bo? chiak ba beh?" (this phrase i memang know wan). Then there's this once I go serve the mihun coz no one really wants soup, so I out of business, so i suka-suka go my friend there la. Then this uncle take the plate of mihun and mumble something. I just smiled and nodded, and said "ho chiak-ho chiak.."he stared at me blankly...i smiled "sweeter" and repeated myself...turned out he asked me to tambah mihun...ehhh...malunya me...must learn hokkien, hakka here no one knows wan...hish-hish...semenanjung people mainly speak hokkien and cantonese.

I can see that many of them were grateful to have this place where they can eat of free, especially the elderly, they kept saying "thank you ah" to us. But of course some of them wants to take advantage of this service and wanted to "tapau" some more, but the supervisor won't allow at all because there are others who needed the food there and then.

Then we cleaned up the dishes when time is up. We worked with a boy (not really boy, more to a man, but he is a special kid la), we talked to him, but he just smiled at us didn't say anything. So we worked together without speaking, just smiling and lots of facial expression and gestures to let him know what are we up to, cause he was assigned to supervise us. I learnt that once again--action speaks much-much louder than words. And sometimes, we don't need words to understand each other and work together, we can just understand each other perfectly through gestures, and most importantly, a smile!

Smile is a universal language which is beyond the boundaries of language itself.
After that, we went to Rumah Superkids to give tuition to a form 5 girl there. This superflow foundation is where SuperKids from which our church's sunday school is modelled after, come from, which is actually founded by Ps. Clarine Chun.
Great Experience!


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