Looking back at 2009, Moving forward to 2010..Part 2
Posted by x2 (double grace)
11:36 AM
Now for the 2nd quarter of the year:
- Many -many interviews to attend, even though we felt that we did badly at every interview, we still trusted God, although sometimes we doubt -how can God help us secure a scholarship when we made a mess in our interviews? Nevertheless, we were sure that if all these doors were closed, He would always open another door (even if it was Form 6).
- A door was opened for us, we got matriculations while most of our applications for scholarship were turned down, even the one we hoped for the most--perguruan gave no news. Yep, we figured this is the door God opened for us since both of us got it and both to the Labuan campus.
- Before going into matriculations, we got good news that Yayasan Sabah is awarding both of us a scholarship to study early childhood education, which was our passion. We decided that this was "the door" God really opened for us, so we accepted the offer. However, we still went into matriculations for about a month.
- In matriculations, we were neighbours with our taska friend, which made the short period in matrics fun. Although there was constant shortage of water supply, and we had to carry pails of water from ground floor up to 3rd floor, we were grateful to God that He toughened us for survival. If we survived matrics, we can survive anywhere else on earth. We also met friends from Sarawak, God had enlarged our friendship circle.
- In matrics however, God had another surprise for us. Our previously rejected JPA applications which we appealled, was approved. Its all a "terima" click away. One of us gladly accepted, as the course was "ok" for her. The other one (me lah), struggled because I didn't want the course offered. I decided to go for Yayasan Sabah scholarship anyhow.
- We left matrics end of May. Both of us had decided by that time, that we would take JPA's scholarship, because that way, dad and mum won't have to worry about us at all. God is good, He made everything turn out for the good of those who love Him. We were among the few who got the scholarship. Thank God!
- A new life began the day we both went our separate ways. This was the month that both of us, unseparated since birth, was separated---far apart---different environment---yeah, totally different. God's grace enabled us to have many wonderful and true friends around us, eventhough we thought we left all the best-est friends we could find by moving forward. We were in the midst of the brains of the nation, and were humbled (not that we were proud before this, but the fact that everyone around us are cream of the crop, awed us all the more). We knew we need to trust God all the more to be able to excel in our studies.
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