Counting My Blessings (Part 1)

Posted by x2 (double grace) on 3:18 PM

It's been almost 2 months in IT (real college name you sure know de...), and I am very-very-very grateful to be here! This is almost paradise compared to Esther's place!!! (oops, but true...)

Here, I'm gonna count my blessings, and this is also a brief summary of God's goodness to me! (It WILL be a VERY long list)

1) Good Christian housemates (J and C), I prayed hard before coming here for GOD to bless me with some Christian housemates, so at least we can encourage each other in faith. Truly TUHAN itu baik! We are very close, we laugh together, go church together...I am not lacking in laughters or smiles when I'm at "home". May God continue to bless them richly, I LOVE them from the bottom of my heart!

2) Wonderful roommate (CYee)!!! She was my classmate in school so I understand how she "works" and she understands me too! Thank GOD that we can easily communicate and talk about fun stuffs that happened at school, although we are TOTALLY the opposite type of people...(she's girly & I'm manly in comparison)...haha...

3) Neighbour cum Best Friend!!! Praise GOD for putting my best friend in the opposite "house"! She is also my classmate (both Secondary sch time and now) but we are quite of the same kind...so we play masak-masak together at my house. AND watch Korean dramas and anime together! (Ahem...only when no tests etc...I still study, don't worry, mom & dad...)

4) Fun Classmates!!! (24 of 'em). Thank GOD they are funny humorous peeps who can just blast your everyday! School (err...college) is never Boring with all of 'em around. There's the cute "Soal-er", 2 cool "Yaw Ming"s, plenty of silly+giggly+noisy gurls (me included, >,<), and few silent types (Watch-out! Lots of brains! ...And hidden humour too! ), some soon-to-be Celine Dions, many hot dancers, & the list goes on...

5) Air-con classrooms!!! Whee!!! Whether rain or shine we are will never shed a sweat...for we are bathing in the cool ambience of the indoor breeze...(unfortunately, the side effect includes EXTREME comfort which leads to fatal sleepiness...zZZ)

6) Great lecturers! (Can't leave'em out). Thank GOD for good lecturers who know their stuffs and are willing to help. Unlike other classes...

7) Splendid Cafe! I am so grateful for our A Level block's cafeteria. We had vegetables of many kinds each day (so I never constipated...hehe...), and not spicy dishes for the delicate palate like mine...the dishes greatly resembles Chinese food so "Balabap-bap-bah~I'm Lovin' It"!

8) Awesome Christian Fellowship!!! When I say awesome, I mean AAWWEESSOOMMMEEE!!! True! Seniors were cool people who loved to fuss over us juniors...the fellowship felt just like home! (Wah...I really miss Joshua Fellowship @ CCC Sandakan...anyone miss me??? Cheh...) I can just worship God so freely, discuss about spiritual issues with friends and even bring my non-Christian friend along...we also had great food (yummm), and Cell Groups! And Youth Alpha!

9) Free transport to Campus! (7 minutes ride) Buses come to pick us up every morning and send us back every afternoon...without needing to pay a single cent! Saved on transport money.

10) Easy access to shopping mall O2 (not real name, but quite close :-D), Giant, Mydin (most frequented place), eateries, bakeries, banks (2nd most frequented place), and gift shops (soon-to-be most frequented place after i get my allowance), and park. These places are just within walking distances so I'm sure getting enough exercise every day. P/S: If you see a tiny short girl wearing dark blue "penutup aurat" on the arms, who runs 1 round and walks 1 round in the park then goes home, that's me.

Okie...10 is enough for Counting My Blessings (part 1), be sure you don't miss the exciting new series of CMB (Part 2)!!!
~coming soon to the computer screen near you~

Signed, H ('@')


wow! thank God!!! nice blog... heh, dun wory , will miz u every day, every hour, every minit, and every second... hehe... enjoy

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